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Michael & Jennifer Lude

Updated: Oct 15, 2021


After Covid hit we lost our funding for our art in the alley city mural project. . Between Allison Stangland, & my wife and I, we have over 400 hrs in this mural this year alone. This mural consists of all things columbia city, new and old, people and places of our history, and people in the foreground in bright vibrant colors to depict the present...who we are and who we are growing to be. Last year we raised enough to prime the wall white, but since this pandemic, we had to personally covered all of the costs of the paints and materials to get started ($1,400 and rising) because we really want to do this for our town we are determinedto finish this project. With no funding means we are not getting paid for this project, but we want to see it last! We still need to raise a minimum if $2,000 to preserve this mural against weather and aging. It will take 10 or more gallons to cover this 1,750 square foot mural at $175 a gallon, so please help us secure funds to protect this mural.We are accepting donations of any amount. There is also still room left for your local business or former business to go into the mural if your donating over $300. Please note: we were able to get this project going with the support off many, first of which was the #chamberofcommerce, as well as art on the alley vendors, Sharon Geiger, Ann Fahl, random supporters, a select others, and of course ball furniture, THANK YOU!!!! Please contact Michael Lude on facebook. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, respectfully, Michael lude #MichaelLude #jenniferlude #murals #columbiacity #artinthealley92 #allisonstangland #communityartproject #community


Honoring the Vets who served.

Adding final touches to the Art in the Alley mural. Honoring the Vets who served. #mjlaita92 #michaeljenniferlude #newmurals


Progress on mural! There is a lot to do, if u want to help message us!

Got in just before sheeting rain! Good timing!!! #mjlaita92 #newmurals #michaeljenniferlude


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