Business: Remembering the 'why' you choose this path. (Entwined Art)

Reality of entrepreneurship and navigate through the hard times.
There is a reason why I chose the name and Enwined art for our business, because your business is Entwined in everything you do. You find that you live and breath, and it's always in the back of your mind. You learn to set boundaries halfway through after you're already exhausted and burned out, you wonder if you chose the right path. At this point you have a choice will you bend or will you break, what was your original goal?And why did you start. Doubt happens, here are a few things i've learned in the last seven years, that will help you navigate those decisions.

(OWL Cigar Mural In Columbia City)
Life happens so fast that we do not stop to take time be present in the moment. These years that I was doing murals back to back, i did not encompass the scope of how cool what an honor it was. It was not until years later, then I could truly enjoy the work that was done. We did like a hundred thousand square feet in one year it was Nuts. Three fed of the adrenaline of the excitement of the murals, but really never stopped to pause. I'm amazed what god can do with you motivated people, but it burns you out.

2 Pace yourself
Being a small business owner, you're always on the go with a mindset of business. Go! go! go! network money whatever. We have a sacrifice, family, time and sleep and thank goodness we were doing it together as a team, but if you don't take time, resentment can build.

3. Embrace hardships
Resisting will take and sap your energy. That is the number one thing I struggled with and it was not until I stopped resisting and embracing that I had more energy and yeah I learned it faster. Things in life are gonna happenl no matter what. How you go through them is your choice.
4. Gratitude
It may seem counterproductive, but being thankful for what you have allows you to appreciate the things around you. It just makes you all around happy.
5. Asking why me, is pointless.
I spent years contemplating and trying to figure out why certain things happen in my life. It made me bitter. Life just happened.

6. Positivity
Positivity allows to see opportunities you may have missed. It's not your head in the clouds, but what you put out tends to attract like minded people. Do yourself and everyone else a favor Smile in the mirror until you start feeling completely awkward and then keep it.